Surveillance Services

  • Child Custody
  • Divorce – Matrimonial – Infidelity
  • Employee Monitoring
  • Family & Medical Leave Act Abuse (FMLA)
  • GPS Tracking Services
  • Insurance Defense
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Judgment Enforcement (Large Exposure Cases)
  • School Residency Checks
  • Teen Tracking and Monitoring
  • Workers Compensation

Effective surveillance is the ability to secretly document everything a subject does without being detected. It is the art of being able to simultaneously watch and or follow someone; document what they are doing on videotape and accurately record the observations in a report - all while not be observed or discovered.

We specialize in surveillance; we do it every day and we know how to do it well. Our investigators specialize in rural, suburban and urban surveillance operations both fixed and mobile. All of our agents have extensive surveillance skills and typically have an average of ten years or more of experience. David Murphy, our lead investigator, has participated and/or managed in excess of 40,000 man hours of physical surveillance during his twenty-seven year investigative career. Each surveillance case is managed and directed by David Murphy.

Our philosophy for obtaining outstanding results has been developed through decades of personal experience and includes proper planning and preparation, gathering all available intelligence on our subjects, as well as using state of the art equipment. All of these components are critical for conducting successful surveillance.

When possible, successful surveillance operations involve obtaining a significant amount of personal background information from our clients, for example in child custody matters and infidelity cases. We make sure we identify our client’s goals and we establish a working budget to achieve the defined objectives. We also effectively manage our client’s expectations based on our experience.

In addition, we prepare each case by researching the subject’s background and learning as much as we can before we get in the field. We study the area where the subject lives or works in an effort to learn about the neighborhood including egress routes. We think-through all possibilities and we plan contingencies. We make sure proper man power has been allocated to get the job done properly. Finally, our reports are professionally written and contain still images embedded from the videotape we obtain.

Ineffective, “low budget” surveillance conducted by inexperienced operatives results in wasted time and money and the subject will often become aware of the investigation. The adage of “you get what you pay for” holds true for most things in life but it most certainly applies to conducting surveillance. We obtain court ready results and won’t waste your time or money. Cyber Investigations operatives will get the job done right the first time; every time.

Divorce and Infidelity


Surveillance of the “cheating spouse” is one of the most common types of cases that private investigators undertake. We are experts in family law surveillance and we understand these cases need to be done carefully and professionally. Due to the range of emotions experienced by clients going through a divorce, using an experienced private detective agency is critical to obtaining results without making a bad situation worse. We have conducted thousands of hours of matrimonial surveillance to document infidelity and to assist in custody cases to determine what occurs during parenting time or visitation. See more about the services we offer in the Family Law section of our website or call us for a free consultation.

GPS Tracking Services

We offer a full line of GPS Tracking devices to enhance physical surveillance. The advent of GPS technology for the consumer market has revolutionized the investigative industry, providing our agents with the means to locate a vehicle or asset at any given moment. GPS devices also provide an opportunity to develop a general activity pattern to learn where your subject goes on a day to day basis.

However, a GPS device will not tell you if your subject is actually driving the “target” vehicle; it will not tell you who they are with, nor will it tell you what they are doing. Depending upon your objectives, having a physical presence in the field to answers these questions is vital.CyberInv_callus

Whether you want to track your company’s vehicles, your teen’s driving habits or an elderly parent, Cyber Investigations offers discreet and affordable solutions for your GPS tracking needs. Call our toll free number at 800-585-0871 for a quote.

Insurance Defense/Insurance Fraud

Insurance companies routinely retain Cyber Investigations to document suspected insurance fraud.

We conduct worker’s compensation surveillance to determine if a claimant is currently working or appears capable of working while they are “out of work” and collecting work men’s compensation benefits. We coordinate with SIU investigators and plan an effective strategy to provide cost effective claims investigations. We assist the Special Investigations Unit in making a determination if fraud is being committed or to determine if the claimant is truly injured.

Other areas of our insurance defense work include conducting surveillance as well as investigations of injuries arising from slip and fall accidents, auto claims, boating accidents and construction accidents. All observations are videotaped and we provide a professional, court ready report in a timely and economic fashion.

Judgment Enforcement (Large Exposure Cases)

In addition to conducting in-depth asset and liability investigations to determine a subject’s net worth, surveillance is often employed to learn what the judgment debtor does on a day to day basis. The “professional debtor” who has a large judgment filed against them doesn’t typically play by the rules and often does everything in their power to avoid having to pay what they legally owe. As part of our asset location process, we use surveillance to document where a subject banks as well as to determine where they go and who they interact with as it relates to income generation. Often times we identify business concerns that are being controlled and or operated by the subject but are organized under another person or entity. This information is used by the plaintiff’s attorney to help prove how and where a subject obtains income as well as where they bank in order to satisfy their judgments.