Why Us?
Experience is defined as the skill or knowledge you acquire after doing something over a long period of time. The principals, employees and consultants of Cyber Investigations have the investigative and legal knowledge necessary to provide answers to the legal challenges faced by their clients...
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Who We Are
Mrs. Lemieux Murphy began her legal career as a paralegal in 1997 after successful completion of the New York Paralegal School’s Paralegal Litigation Specialty Assistance Program which consisted of 338 hours of course instruction in all aspects of New York State Law...
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What We Do
Cyber Investigations, LLC is licensed and bonded by the State of New Jersey through the New Jersey State Police Private Detective Unit. We are a fully insured private detective agency serving the entire State of New Jersey. We also have international and United States partners with whom we work closely...
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Effective surveillance is the ability to secretly document everything a subject does without being detected. It is the art of being able to simultaneously watch and or follow someone; document what they are doing on videotape and accurately record the observations in a report – all while not be observed or discovered.

Deciding to conduct an infidelity investigation to determine if your spouse is cheating is an emotional event one and you need an experienced investigator to get the job done right the first time. Often, the evidence obtained is not used in a court of law but nonetheless provides answers to difficult questions.
Whether you are a plaintiff or defense attorney, knowing what “really happened” and having all the facts for your case is vital for successful litigation or settlement of an accident case. Our investigators have the ability to quickly locate and speak with witnesses in a manner that puts them at ease.
Searching for your biological family can be an emotional as well as daunting quest. Cyber Investigations, LLC has successfully worked with a number of clients over the years to locate their birthparents. The amount of information and background you have about your biological family will usually make or break an adoption case.
As a business owner or corporate executive, you are the decision maker for your organization. You are charged with protecting the interests of your company or corporation. When hiring new executives or engaging contractors and vendors, it is critical to your organization’s mission that those who will have access to your facilities and corporate assets be properly screened and thoroughly investigated.
Corp. & Security
To see the future of a potential business relationship, you need to examine the past. If you are partnering with another business entity or if you are an investor who will provide funding to an individual, a new business venture or existing business, it is imperative that due diligence be conducted on the principals and business in question.
Criminal Defense
Our trained investigators and consultants include retired law enforcement agents who have decades of experience conducting criminal investigations. Their knowledge of the law and how a criminal investigation is conducted can be instrumental in resolving a criminal case to the benefit of our clients.
•You have obtained a large judgment against a debtor; how do you collect your money?
•You are planning on going into business with a partner; how do you find out if they have “financial skeletons” in their closets?
•You are contemplating expensive litigation against an adversary but how do you know if the defendant has assets that can be attached?
•Your former spouse owes you child support; how can you find their assets?